Hugo Marcus
Electric, Acoustic, Classical guitar

Hugo Marcus was born in 1988 in Paris, and he has long conciliated music and sciences at the same time. He learned classical guitar at the age of 10, then quickly turned to rock at the age of 15 and did many concerts on the Parisian rock scene in the mid-2000s with the band The Spine. He then studied musicology in parallel with his studies in acoustics engineering, and he learns other instruments, the bass, the drums, and the piano. While still a student or trainee in scientific research laboratories, he multiplies the group experiences with concerts and recordings of EP, in pop, folk, or electro (for exemple he works with the singer Alex, or the bands Chillidogs, Rozz Jack).
In 2014 he decided to become a professional musician. After his work with the electro duo Kikker and Manu Dibango, the R'n'B singer Tenny, or the Canadian singer Olivier Dion, he is LOUANE's guitarist in 2015 on her first tour as well as on the 2016 tour of the Zeniths and French, Swiss, German and Belgian festivals, and also accompanies her on TV and radio shows. He has played in the biggest French venues (Olympia,Zéniths, Bercy, Halle Tony Garnier, Forest National, Rock en Scène, Vieilles Charrues, Francofolies, Paleo Festival, etc …).
Since then he has collaborated with current artists such as Joyce Jonathan, Vitaa, Amandine Bourgeois, Barbara Pravi, Agustin Galiana, Rififi or more occasionally with Patrick Bruel, Tal, or Garou. He is currently the guitarist of AMIR, one of the most popular French artists, with whom he has made more than 200 concerts since 2016. Hugo takes advantage of free time between tours to spend hours locked into his studio and focus on personal projects, composition and arrangement. He plays or has played with «indie» artists like Adrienne Pauly, Timothée Levi, and in rock bands (the rock band Vango which ensures the openings of H.F. Thiefaine in 2016, or the post hardcore group MobBoss, present on the French underground scene).
- Acoustic guitar
- Classical Guitar
- Electric guitar