Classical Guitar

Laurent Boutros was born in 1964 in Maisons-Alfort , near Paris. While still young he attracted to music from oral traditions, and became interested in Flamenco, then popular Brazilian and Argentinian music, final folowing the music through to his origins.
The search for the roots of such music now runs through his veins, and today Laurent Boutros counts Armenian and Caucasian traditionnal music among his passionate interests. In 1992 he began to compose several works for guitar thatare imbued with the characteristic modes and rhythms of Asia minor. Then in 1997 he began to travel through Europe, making several tours in Turkey, Armenia, Maroc, Hungary, Montenegro, Switzerland and Cuba. As a guitarist he enjoys playing with others, and has performed with the jazz bass- player Renaud Garcia Fons, the Iranian Percussionist Bijane Chemirani and the Indian musician Ikram Khan.
In 2003, Laurent Boutros formed in own trio, with F. Ziouani on the cello and F. Thiant on the accordeon.
In 2004, upon request by the Pompidou Center Museum, he composed a pièce for guitar about Joan MIRO painting « Carnaval d’Arlequin ». Last, but not least he is the director of the festival « Nuits musicales de Cieux », in the Limousin departement, which is centred around the guitar. Here several different styles rub shoulders, including world music, jazz and classical.
In 2007, his last CD is available « A guitar in Armenia » around his own compositions. This Year Laurent Boutros make several tours in Cuba ( invited by « The Instituto Superior del Arte » and Venezuela ( Festival internacional de guitarra de Choroni).
- Classical Guitar