Guitar Classic
Guitarist and composer, Giorgio Mirto graduated from the “L. Campiani” Conservatory of Mantova and took the second level degree from the Conservatory of Cuneo.
He performes extensively in Europe, Russia, Japan, China, Africa, U.S.A. and South America.
He has realized several recordings for Gendai Guitar (Tokyo), Moisycos Musical Editions (Tokyo), Sinfonica Editions, Guitart and, since some years, for the major label Brilliant Classics and the new label MoviMento.
Awarded In several International composition competitions, his music is performed in several parts of the world and has raised the appreciation of well known musicians, actors, conductors and musicologists such as Altenberg Trio, Victor Villadangos, Maximo Diego Pujol, Eric Franceries, Attilio Piovano, Viktor Kozlov, Giulio Tampalini, Stefano Palamidessi, Dylan Fowler, Kazuhito Yamashita, Vittorio Ghielmi, Umberto Benedetti Michelangeli, Augusto Vismara, Fausto Paravidino, Roberto Zibetti, Marco Tullio Giordana and so on.
He is the artistic director of Six Ways, a prestigious international guitar festival which takes place in his native town: Turin.
His music is published by Les Productions d’OZ, Ut Orpheus and Edizioni Sinfonica.
He has teached in Bari’s Conservatorio “N. Piccinni”, Brescia's Conservatorio “L. Marenzio” and actually he teaches in Monopoli's Conservatorio “N. Rota”
Giorgio Mirto plays on a guitar by S. Yokoo
- Classical Guitar